I just wanna make this point. Today's system - either economic or social system, considers a human being as starkingly selfish, driven by animal instincts...
This film tells me otherwise, 'We are something more than animals.' 'We are something more than reminants of the Darwinian evolution'. 'We are something beyond the definition of this world'. Something overarching, something deeper, something Godly! There is something more than that meets the eye!
The potrayal of Mr.Tim Thomas in this film shows one man's journey to cleanse himself of his guilt within. He doesn't goes for a dip in the waters of Ganga or takes a trip to Mecca nor does he tries to find solution in the superficial systems created by society. He repents for his guilt - that is for sure. But he does something extraordinary.
'I am going to give you a gift' says Tim Thomas at the ending of the movie to Ezra, the blind meat salesman.
And Tim makes sure that the gift is delivered.
Must watch movie. Reinforces one's belief on Humanity.
I found the film very depressing..